Thursday, March 3, 2011

to be or not to be

today i am listening to: radiohead - lotus flower
in honor of new radiohead greatness
and the fabulosity of wayne mcgregor's choreography

for real?
thom yorke and wayne mcgregor? life has stopped.

i assume most of us are familiar of the wonder that is thom yorke, and his orgasmic vocal signature. but maybe not wayne mcgregor.
so here's your itty bitty dance education of the day

feast your eyes on this.


so i'm at a weird fork in the road
(or spork, if you'd prefer).
granted... from all of life's hard choices,
we get some positives right?
like the fact that i'm becoming amazing
at pros and cons lists.
and you can do them for everything/anything!
for example:
-- pros and cons of money --
-can buy stuff with it
-'mo problems
-root of all evil
-doesn't grow on trees

--pros and cons of vests--
-protects crucial trunk portion of the body
-aids gesticulation
-fun to say
-all the warmth minus the hassle of sleeves
-sometimes worn without a shirt
-available in leather
-arms feel neglected
-nowhere for tricks to be up

--pros and cons of you--
-light up my life
-really got me
-nothing compares to
-so vain
-oughtta know
-can't always get what you want

basically, i have decided that the happy ending
of different success stories
all depends on what you deem is a success

doin' it. fuck yes.
even though i feel like i might have
remote. control.
Lissy Elle 5
in prettier news: this lissy elle photography has whimsy greatness written all over it:

Creative Ad Critiques 7
your birthday suit suits you,
oooo it suits me too - jason mraz

Lissy Elle

when was the last time you did something for the first time?

curiouser and curiouser - alice in wonderland

okay, i can breathe again
that was a nice break.


"you see things; and say 'why?'
but i dream things
that never were; and i say 'why not?'
- george bernard shaw
--pros and cons of george--
-bernard shaw
-foreman grill
-of the jungle jingle
...mmmm let's go back to clooney
he's an overdose of panache
i don't hate him.

i am hating this revamped cold though:
--pros and cons of global warming--
-al gore
-can swim all year round
-icebergs schmisebergs
-might kill us all
- "
- "
and i'm still not a fan of waiting to hear from specific, all-important people.
--pros and cons of punctuation--

"to believe in something and not to live it, is dishonest" - gandhi

"wrap me up in a dream with you" - yellowcard

--pros and cons of love--
-is all you need
-will keep us together
-got a whole lotta
-can't buy me

i want to be the reflection in your eyes

--pros and cons of pros and cons--
-aids decision making
-kills time
-everyone likes lists
-overly binary
-hard to come up with third "con"

decisions schmecisions... i want it all.
i'm doing it all.

"each indecision brings its own delays and days are lost lamenting over lost days... what you can do or think you can do, begin it. for boldness has magic, power, and genius in it." - johann wolfgang von goethe

xoxo. -jess

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