Thursday, March 24, 2011

it's contagious

today i'm listening to: regina spektor - us

"i think, technically the 'girl of my dreams' would probably have, like, a really bodacious rack, you know? maybe different hair, uh, she'd probably be a little more into sports, but um, truthfully? robin's better than the girl of my dreams.... she's real." - 500 days of summer

can't say i've been a good definition of "healthy" for over a week now. still going strong though. chug-a-lugg'in

oh my.

perhaps i'm seasick?

what makes me think this is okay - is that this is the last week before spring break, aka three [3] whole weeks off.
thus - i have been in
I. permanent creative mode
II. permanent planning mode
when combined with
III. sick/injured mode...

my life is the human equivalent to
IV. all the above.

aka --
i am all-consuming and all-encompassing:
doing everything and being everywhere all at once
(just breathe.)

when you sit next me
things get a bit blurry.

"maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed
maybe they need to run free
till they find someone, just as wild,
to run with them"

the one who's hard to quit:
quit figuring him out
and just say go figure.


to stare at nothing.
on stairs to nowhere.
(i'd like to embrace the void)

rattling off:
my cough is rattling through my chest.
my mind is rattling through my head.
my heart is shake, rattle, and roll.

rattle is a funny word.

busy girls are happy girls. although i truly can't wait to have a moment to stand on the rocks, play in the dirt, float in the water, smile at the sun, and breathe in and out. and only that.
i'll let you know when that moment comes...

until then, i'll be choreographing my little heart, assessing my flamenco hips, and amusing at the thought of being stress-free. and laugh... how -lovely- that would be.

-chuck palahniuk

xoxo. -Jessica

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