Wednesday, March 9, 2011

the goods.

today i'm listening to: matt & kim - daylight
(you should too)

pretty great for happy.
sidewalks and grand are treasure-full albums.

"there's nothing in a caterpillar
that tells you it's going to be a butterfly"
- rachel buckminster fuller

self-discovery alert:
the more stressed i am,
the more frequently i find myself shopping for toothpaste.


irony alert:
(of the miss morissette variety)
i think i lost the organizational folders i just bought.


fill me up with a large glass of adventure
[shaken, not stirred.]

installation by candy chang in new orleans

"there is no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love; there's only scarcity of resolve to make it happen." - wayne dyer

andrea kett's illustrations are so cheeky, so saucy. what a vixen.

"isn't life a series of images
that change as they repeat themselves?" - andy warhol

this. kills. me.

"everybody's an artist. everybody's god. it's just that they're inhibited" - yoko ono
for a seamless segue to inform the world that
a fox has escorted me on my walk to school for 3 days now. good company indeed.

"that was pure, wild, animal crazyness" - fantastic mr. fox

and today i'd like to assimilate my blogging skills to that of a dj. on the request line a dear friend has chimed in for more about food.
so this one goes out to you - "hungry in kansas city."

someone's been cupcaking.

(betsy vanlangen photography)

peppermint - the perfect
compliment to saltmint
have your cake and eat it too.
in honor of this request and a great deal of wasted time, i give you mini babybel cheese. behold:
so maybe it's not the cheese that's noteworthy in itself. it's semisoft, blandish, and, i'm sorry to use the vocab, but it's also rather (moist).

what's exciting about mini babybel cheese
is its packaging. each parcel is
sealed in red wax
wrapped in plastic
and placed inside a net-baggy.
freeing the cheese from these multiple layers of protection
actually requires tools
scissors (to cut the bag)
dexterity (to peel the plastic and the wax)
and time (about 30 seconds give or take how hungry you are).
and after the cheese has been consumed
one is left with a small
interesting piece of wax.
what can be done with this wax?
i'm glad you--i--asked.
the findings are as follows:

--if balled up and thrown at my bedroom door, will the wax stick?
--if balled up and thrown at my bedroom door again, but this time with greater force, will it stick?
still, no.
--if placed next to a heat source, will it get all melty?
--if forgetten in my purse, will all other most-important purse articles be left with a sticky, red residue?
unfortunately, yes.
--can the wax be molded into a creepy head-like shape, that when viewed at just the right angle will vaguely resemble an extremely tiny bust of abe lincoln?
actually, yes - it can.
--after all these experiments, will the red wax be truly, genuinely disgusting?

whew - that's enough empty calories for the day.
see you later alligator, peace out river-trout, gotta go buffalo.
xoxo. -jess

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