Tuesday, February 22, 2011

sham on

today's deafness is brought to you by: kate miller-heidke - can't shake it

"don't worry when you are not recognized but strive to be worthy of recognition" - abraham lincoln

i'll be the neon lights of the city
shining down from above
buzzing into infinity
never to forever - amen
you've come to the right place
no-vacancy awaits
i'll show you all the places the go in the dark
because if just for tonight
we're electrically charged
light up the sky
reach up to the stars
freeing, releasing, new colors unbarred
i'll bare all the things you could not see
let's pursue a fluorescent history
make the jump, brave the flicker
and crave the spark
let's make this life glow-in-the-dark -jk


maybe i'll never die,
i'll just keep growing younger with you
and you'll grow younger too.
now it seems too lovely to be true.
but you know - the best things always do.
let's pretend we don't exist
- of montreal

Shadow Dance

i am tired of auto-response
tell me something new


Sneaker Shadows

“i’m sorry,” he said finally.
“i’m still trying to figure out how to live.”
“that’s ok. you can have some time.”
he nodded,
taking note of the word some.
–jonathan franzen, freedom

"you take 'em, i amuse 'em" - dr. seuss

"you don't have a a soul,
you are a soul.
you have a body." - C.S. Lewis

i'm really hoping i will be receiving

a phone call
singing telegram
courier pigeon
(mostly a singing telegram though)
any form of communication will do
from the people who hold my future in their hands
right now.

"feathers filled the small room. our laughter kept the feathers in the air. i thought about birds. could they fly if there wasn't someone, somewhere, laughing?"
- jonathan safran foer, extremely loud and incredibly close


"to be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment" - ralph waldo emerson

xoxo. - jess

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