Wednesday, February 9, 2011

sun syllables

today i'm listening to: heart in a cage - chris thile

it's a cover of...
the strokes
mmm i don't hate them.

genius begets genius

coerce me into treason
where sense refuses to meet.
let my skinned knees lose reflex
unhook shins from two left feet.
bury me among quick-witted strangers
put a smile on my face.
when she's left to her own devices
she bathes in forgotten miracles and poor taste.

"Love is a gross exaggeration of the difference between one person and everybody else." - george bernard shaw

i got yelled at on the tube today.
one should understand, brits don't yell. and i was scared.
remember that being kind to people never goes out of style.

it feels like rain.

two days of sunshine and blue skies! in.a.row. i smell spring. maybe.. but -
i won't be wearing long johns any longer!

let's celebrate.

vancouver seems nice.

who's been painting my roses red

springtime and DANCING!

if that doesn't put you in the mood for springtime, i don't know what will.
maybe drink some lemonade? or a milkshake?

i hate it when i'm making a milkshake, and the boys just show up in my yard.


maturity is a bitter disappointment
for which no remedy exists,
unless laughter can be said to remedy anything. - kurt vonnegut


life is a cavalcade of indelible experiences
let it wash over and over and over me.- jk

merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
life is but a dream

"a man is but the product of his thoughts. what he thinks, he becomes." -ghandi
xoxo. -jess

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