Monday, January 24, 2011

black white and read.

today i'm listening to: soldier on - the temper trap
no video friends. but a good listen nonetheless..
especially those last 2 minutes


still a bit confused in my life,
and i've been letting it get to me. (major)

just a thought:
when you feel like
you just keep failing at life,
consider perhaps that
you're living the wrong one.

but after having alovely life conversation
under blue skies with a good lady friend,
i have a whole different perspective.
life = perspective
we talked about all the plans we'd had for life
10 years ago, 5 years ago
& where we thought we'd be right now...
i realized that if my life went according to plan,
things would be different
different as in a
and total
i would have missed out on so, so much.
so instead of stressing over the unknown
and making too many life plans
or relying on too many life plans
i've decided to
walk into the unknown with reckless abandon
(and effing laugh more.)

-calvin & hobbes

"if you don't know where you are going,
any road will get you there." -lewis carrol

the best things in life are unseen. that's why we close our eyes when we
kiss & laugh & dream." --bathroom stall door

xoxo. -jess

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