Saturday, January 22, 2011


TODAY i am listening to: Thao - When We Swam

so i'm carpe-dieming myself into a new year... 22 days late. luckily there are 343 more days to get going. so really, i'm ahead of the game! this calls for champagne.

i thought i might patch together a little blog of thoughts and photographs and musings of everyday insignificance... for no other reason than perhaps sharing the way i waste my time seems a bit less lonely than wasting my time all to myself.

"Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."
-abraham lincoln

here is an (abbreviated) list of things i will be resolute-ing in this shiny new year:

#1. spend more time doing things that may not benefit my life in any way or have any practical value, but simply make me feel better.
for instance, today i did lunges while waiting for pizza to heat in the oven. moments of brilliance.

#2. find a new, creative hobby

(but maybe not this one)
(...or this one)

#3. smile more. frown less. and be the reason for someone else's smile every day. they're contagious, you know.

#4. learn a new language. being in Europe feels like a mix of being in a world where everyone is telling secrets and a reminder that you may have been ill-educated.

#5. and finally, KILL IT in my chosen profession and set the world on fire. (can of gasoline is SO ready to go.)

so- happy new year, darlings.
the greatest things are about to happen. the greatest things are around the corner, waiting for you, all of you.

"be a first-rate version
of yourself.
not a second-rate version
of someone else"
-judy garland
xoxo. -jess

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