Sunday, January 23, 2011

king me.

today i'm listening to: in a cave - tokyo police club
ch-ch-check it out

now, that puts extra beats in my funky little heart.

"i can resist everything except temptation"
- oscar wilde

get in here.

get out there.
"she went from a scream to a squeak"

close your eyes...
are you still there?

"there must be more to life than sitting
around wondering if there is more to life"
(i think this depends on where you're sitting)

the other night
i went to a specific dancey party event.
i can't say it was exactly a friend-studded event.
i found myself eavesdropping on conversations about nothing.
this made me wonder- how fun can your life actually be when you don't read or create or think thoughts of any sort of substance?
is ignorance really bliss?

a thought on beings of no substance:

fill your head
with empty thoughts,
your empty lives.
you can't release
when there's nothing to let go of
(and that's why we keep having all the fun)

until then,
i'm still jogging, and blogging, and trying to find another hobby that rhymes. (for rhyming's sake)
drown me out.

xoxo. -jess

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