Monday, March 28, 2011

let's all runaway

today i'm listening to: air - playground love

from the virgin suicides.
a fabulous sofia coppola flick.

sofia coppola.
because she's nine kinds of awesome.

speaking of movies...
the other night i took myself out to see Limitless.
i'll mention i hadn't seen its preview,
but papers told me
there are three-ish movies out where
hunky guys get lost and confused in
alternate, semi-inception-like worlds.
... yes, that's what the papers say.
as Limitless was rated the best out of the 3,
i read its separate review:

"do you like to leave the cinema
feeling like someone's been slagging you off from the back row?
then Limitless could be for you."

you had me at "slagged off"
--i stopped reading and went out to see it--

funnier than this movie/review
(and the fact that i was mostly oblivious
to anything it was about)
is its advertising...

i'd seen this on the jubilee line:

and laughed at it, wondering (what great hair) and what the heck creepy pills bradley cooper was endorsing from overseas. ahahaha right?!
effective? or....???

"i, not events, have the power
to make me happy or unhappy today.
i can choose which it shall be.
yesterday is dead,
tomorrow hasn't arrived yet.
i have just one day, today,
and i'm going to be happy in it."
groucho marx

anyway, it was an entertaining movie. and a pretty one. alternate/robotic/drugged/dream-world movies bridging a gap between hollywood effects and art? beautiful. i'll take em!

much like i'm loving holten rower's pour series:

"spring-time in florida is not a matter of peeping violets or bursting buds merely. it is a riot of color in nature—glistening green leaves, pink, blue, purple, yellow blossoms that fairly stagger the visitor from the north. the miles of hyacinths lie like an undulating carpet on the surface of the river and divide reluctantly when the slow-moving alligators push their way log-like across. the nights are white nights for the moon shines with dazzling splendor, or in the absence of that goddess, the soft darkness creeps down laden with innumerable scents. the heavy fragrance of magnolias mingled with the delicate sweetness of jasmine and wild roses..."
-zora neale hurston

"be obscure clearly" - e.b. white

no, but seriously.

"we danced too wild, and we sang too long,
and we hugged too hard, and we kissed too sweet,
and howled just as loud as we wanted to howl,
because by now we were all old enough to know
that what looks like crazy on an ordinary day looks
a lot like love if you catch in the moonlight."
-pearl cleage

xoxo. - jessica

Sunday, March 27, 2011

rumor has it

today i'm listening to: bon iver - skinny love

justin vernon is from wisconsin, don'tcha know

stop posing, start juxtaposing
i'm tired of the trite and expected

too many people trying too hard
just cool it down. and maybe enjoy yourself
i think there's a sadness in overexposure
no need to scramble, dear loves.
sit in the sun... notice it shines stronger than us all.

jack agrees.

it's sunday, and it's b-e-a-utiful out!
all this fantastic sunlight makes me think
of allllll the rainy, drizzly, days...
days of broken umbrellas, "wellies,"
and the occasional want/need for scuba-gear.

i want to swim through the city
go wading in the streets
close my eyes
and hold my breath
& paddle with my feet.

i want to float down all the freeways
and drip my way downtown
let the skyscrapers wash over me
until i sink & drown

i like your electricity.

check out this kickass stationary from sapling press:

to see more ---> click here

dear john jacob jingleheimer schmidt. letterpress card

sipping that hater-ade again?

"he who trims himself to suit everyone
will soon whittle himself away." - raymond hull

"the future has several names.
for the weak, it is the impossible
for the fainthearted, it is the unknown.
for the thoughtful and valiant, it is the ideal."
-victor hugo

i like people who shake other people up and make them feel uncomfortable. - jim morrison

i'm off to frolic in parks, play my headphones too loud, and hope to finish the day as a shade less transparent.

xoxo. -Jessica

Thursday, March 24, 2011

it's contagious

today i'm listening to: regina spektor - us

"i think, technically the 'girl of my dreams' would probably have, like, a really bodacious rack, you know? maybe different hair, uh, she'd probably be a little more into sports, but um, truthfully? robin's better than the girl of my dreams.... she's real." - 500 days of summer

can't say i've been a good definition of "healthy" for over a week now. still going strong though. chug-a-lugg'in

oh my.

perhaps i'm seasick?

what makes me think this is okay - is that this is the last week before spring break, aka three [3] whole weeks off.
thus - i have been in
I. permanent creative mode
II. permanent planning mode
when combined with
III. sick/injured mode...

my life is the human equivalent to
IV. all the above.

aka --
i am all-consuming and all-encompassing:
doing everything and being everywhere all at once
(just breathe.)

when you sit next me
things get a bit blurry.

"maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed
maybe they need to run free
till they find someone, just as wild,
to run with them"

the one who's hard to quit:
quit figuring him out
and just say go figure.


to stare at nothing.
on stairs to nowhere.
(i'd like to embrace the void)

rattling off:
my cough is rattling through my chest.
my mind is rattling through my head.
my heart is shake, rattle, and roll.

rattle is a funny word.

busy girls are happy girls. although i truly can't wait to have a moment to stand on the rocks, play in the dirt, float in the water, smile at the sun, and breathe in and out. and only that.
i'll let you know when that moment comes...

until then, i'll be choreographing my little heart, assessing my flamenco hips, and amusing at the thought of being stress-free. and laugh... how -lovely- that would be.

-chuck palahniuk

xoxo. -Jessica