Tuesday, February 22, 2011

sham on

today's deafness is brought to you by: kate miller-heidke - can't shake it

"don't worry when you are not recognized but strive to be worthy of recognition" - abraham lincoln

i'll be the neon lights of the city
shining down from above
buzzing into infinity
never to forever - amen
you've come to the right place
no-vacancy awaits
i'll show you all the places the go in the dark
because if just for tonight
we're electrically charged
light up the sky
reach up to the stars
freeing, releasing, new colors unbarred
i'll bare all the things you could not see
let's pursue a fluorescent history
make the jump, brave the flicker
and crave the spark
let's make this life glow-in-the-dark -jk


maybe i'll never die,
i'll just keep growing younger with you
and you'll grow younger too.
now it seems too lovely to be true.
but you know - the best things always do.
let's pretend we don't exist
- of montreal

Shadow Dance

i am tired of auto-response
tell me something new


Sneaker Shadows

“i’m sorry,” he said finally.
“i’m still trying to figure out how to live.”
“that’s ok. you can have some time.”
he nodded,
taking note of the word some.
–jonathan franzen, freedom

"you take 'em, i amuse 'em" - dr. seuss

"you don't have a a soul,
you are a soul.
you have a body." - C.S. Lewis

i'm really hoping i will be receiving

a phone call
singing telegram
courier pigeon
(mostly a singing telegram though)
any form of communication will do
from the people who hold my future in their hands
right now.

"feathers filled the small room. our laughter kept the feathers in the air. i thought about birds. could they fly if there wasn't someone, somewhere, laughing?"
- jonathan safran foer, extremely loud and incredibly close


"to be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment" - ralph waldo emerson

xoxo. - jess

Friday, February 18, 2011


today i'm listening to: vampire weekend - a-punk

today has been a day of pleasant and most welcome surprises

surprises and/or miracles
-such as this little zinger-

i found a nice man called rufus
he not only has a ticket to see the sold-out decemberists concert
but he would very much like to sell me aforementioned ticket.
needless to say, i am a happy girl
and will be celebrating this success and
my upcoming date/serenade with colin meloy
and all of his sideburned glory

here, try him out. try him on.
a taste, a snack, an amuse bouche of magnificence if you will:

"the one thing the world will never have enough of is the outrageous"
-salvador dali


in the long history of humankind, those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed - charles darwin

there are some feelings
that dig their roots into your skin
and never let go
they swell
and blow you over
like wind and waves - jk

i'm not sure when my blog turned into such a
sorry folks.
maybe it's due to my recent lack of sleep.

insomnia: a noun [in-som-nee-uh]
prolonged and usually abnormal inability to obtain adequate sleep

sounds about rightish.

because 3am and i are becoming quite good friends as of late.
in fact - i think it's getting serious.
do you think it's wrong to admit
(i really just want to sleep with him?)

tonight - i'll take some advice from the great minnie miller:
"pop yourself a bottle of wine, i guarantee - if you make it to your bed, you'll hit it hard enough"

and the woman's never steered me wrong
"sleep! oh, how i loathe those little slices of death" - edgar allen poe
"i dragged you back, a sleepy head" - passion pit

if you can't sleep, i'll be there in your dreams
i'll be there in your dreams if you can't sleep at all
and in your dreams, i'll touch your cheek
and lay my head on your shoulder
-she & him

cardboard chic

sleep that knits up the raveled sleeve of care
the death of each day's life, sore labour's bath
balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course
chief nourisher in life's feast
-william shakespeare
a book lover never goes to sleep alone.

in other (non)interest(ing) news -
london has gotten all kinds of cold again
just when i was really starting to love no-glove weather too.

maybe if i were more prepared?
so i decided to do some online-stopping

note: online stopping quite different from online shopping.

here's a smattering of warm-theme-ish things i've "stopped":

how can life be bad in a monster sweatshirt!?

or try this little treat, a dog-tag kimono by artist do-ho suh:

protective face-wear is also important when combating cold weather's claws
a-la isabella blow (BG*)
*before lady gaga


if this sweater were a person,
i'd probably get in trouble for stalking it..
mom always swore by turtlenecks, layers, and spiky boots...
by eva nyiri:


done and done. a duvet dress. i'll get some sleep AND stay warm.
online stopping = success

and i love me some happy endings

alicia - how big is the universe?
nash - infinite
alicia - how do you know?
nash - i know because all the data indicates it's infinite
alicia - but it hasn't been proven yet?
nash - no.
alicia - how do you know for sure?
nash - i don't, i just believe it
alicia - it's the same with love i guess.
-a beautiful mind
is a beautiful movie

i hope you all have a truly lovely day.
i'm going to eat flapjacks, chip my nail polish, and send soup-cans with string across the ocean.
xoxo. -jess

Sunday, February 13, 2011

crash test darling

today i'm listening to: rilo kiley - potions for foxes

dead animals? guess so?

AND: ra ra riot - can you tell

yum and a half.
When I look into your eyes
I tend to lose my thoughts
Don't forget your stare
Oh what was that you said
"i will not mind my manners. I will mind my mind" -jk

lately, life's been beating me up.
for serious - i've got battle wounds...
and this is NOT how you shake a parade
BUT -- what matters when all this goes down,
and down the proverbial drain,
is how we get out of it.
sometimes, it's these tests that motivate me more,
and show me what we're all about.
sometimes I need a speed-bump or two.
(or in london, a "hump" or two.)
--was that a wink? or is something in your eye?--
sometimes picking up the pieces
is so much better than trying to jam
those puzzle pieces together.
suddenly, i'm motivated
and back on top of the world.
time to do, not watch.
watching is so 2000-and-late
best part about it is - i have a plan.
and let me say, it's a really good plan.
it's an awesome plan.
a mother-effing, awesomely-good plan.
life is better when we want things.
and when we make them happen.
for ourselves.
which, by no means, does it mean it'll be easy
it's going to be a challenge,
it's going to be hard,
and it's probably going to kill me.
but i'm going to beat everyone to the punch.
and while i'm at it.. i'll spike the punch.

[[that's the anthem. now throw your damn hands up.]]

i am not young enough
to know everything - oscar wilde

when it doesn't work out...
i'll fall 7 times. and stand up 8 times.

"How wonderful it is
that nobody need wait a single moment
before starting to improve the world" - anne frank

and the suspense is terrible
but i hope it lasts...

confidence is much sexier
determination is the new black
and a little leopard print never hurt anyone
on a school bus

because i'll give the world something new to "oooo" and "ahhhh" about
and in between? why not some "oo-la-las"

-don't let the man get you down. unless it's a boogie down... then GO AHEAD
time to celebrate an ending. because it
precedes my new beginning.

"new knowledge is the most valuable commodity on earth. the more truth we have to work with, the richer we become" - kurt vonnegut
"part of me suspects that i'm a loser,
and the other part of me thinks i'm god almighty"
- john lennon

and until then - i'm eating a spoon-full of sugar, pursuing fabulousity, falling down laughing, and teaching mick jagger how to get some satisfaction.

xoxo. - jess