Monday, May 9, 2011


today i'm listening to: grizzly bear - knife

hey there, gang.
it's been a while.
and some miles.
let's get kickin.

(those who hear not the music
think the dancers are mad.)



check out this website ----> do it
(if you like cool stuff- it will make your day.)

oooooo barracuda.




i'm not trying to impress you,
but i swim without floaties...

aaaaand let's get cultured.
yesterday i saw the broadcast of danny boyle's
stage production of frankenstein.
couldn't get tickets in london...
so tivoli tickets would do.

and. it. was. mother-lovin FANTASTIC!

nothing's better than theater... even if you have to see it in a movie theater. but maybe one of the coolest parts of the production is that the two title characters switch roles every night.
(how do you like them apples?)

oh danny boyle... we're not worthy

let's rollerskate for daysssss.

now THAT'S sporty spice.

"dont ask yourself what the world needs.
ask yourself what makes you come alive.
what the world needs
is people to come alive"
-genius anonymous

i must listen deeper...
sharpen my knife
something has changed the angles of the trees,
their color.
questions with no place to land.

where it is & where you're at.


"damaged people are dangerous.

they know they can survive."
-Josephine Hart

xoxo. -jess

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