Monday, May 2, 2011


today i'm listening to: the strokes - under cover of darkness

what a weekend for headlines and history
"justice has been done"
some girls really do grow up and become princesses
(i'm no royalist, but friday was a beautiful day)


if you're not
on top of the world,
get up here,

my recent friend-find of london is here from spain to learn english.
he watches a lot of movies/tv to help the process
sensical, no?
anyway, his show of choice?
sex and the city.
apparently it teaches him "everything he needs to know."
amen to that.

and i love me some public transportation.
but this windows-down-weather is killin me


the entertainment industry has me baffled
(to the max)
hollywood worship is weird. period.
so, in the wake of that, have you seen
"i'm still here"?
..................maybe you should.
pretty interesting.

...he was charlie sheen-ing
before charlie sheen-ed

and last night i got to see Pina
have you seen Pina yet? really should.
pretty much brilliant.
--i know i posted the actual movie preview earlier,
so if that didn't spark your fancy,
try some slices of vollmond--

"i'm not interested in how people move,
but in what moves them" - pina bausch

i dare you to move me.

i've been up to no good lately. thinking to much and laughing too little
but pina put me in that dancing mood
so here's some scott wells love.
for those without the dancey-heart and/or a short attention span
skip to 2:15 and

or since i'm feeling extra political AND dancey this weekend
why not shake 'em up?
(this is old, but great all the same)
dance-debating? like breakdance-fighting.
in slooowww mooootion
jane comfort's a beast.

"this is your wakeup call"

"I tell you, we are on earth to fart around,
and don't let anybody tell you different" kurt vonnegut

okay that was fun.
now back to my four (4) day weekend.

xoxo. -jess

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