Monday, December 5, 2011

wild hearts

today i'm listening to: helplessness blues - fleet foxes
they blow me away...

i was raised up believing
i was somehow unique
like a snowflake distinct among snowflakes
unique in each way you can see

and now after some thinking
i'd say i'd rather be
a functioning cog in some great machinery
serving something beyond me

but i don't, i don't know what that will be
i'll get back to you someday soon you will see


oh hey new york, i've made it.
for a while there i felt like i was on a
really long vacation
it's always like that when i move...
when does it start to feel solid?
then again... does new york ever feel solid?

best part?
i don't care. i like that i can be a
stranger in new york
but... it's creeping up on me that i may not be that much of an outsider...
and THAT, is secretly awesome.

i used to think that when you grew up,
you actually stopped growing.
how wrong was i
- katie couric

i'm not interested in preserving the status quo;
i want to overthrow it - machiavelli


i'm feeling quite human today -
therefore, i'm a bit impatient and slightly moody....

we'll all float on anyway...

i don't dream at night, i dream all day; i dream for a living. - steven spielberg

"when i was 5 years old,
my mother always told me that happiness
was the key to life.
when i went to school,
they asked me what i wanted to be
when i grew up. i wrote down "happy."
they told me i didn't understand the assignment,
and i told them they didn't understand life."
- john lennon


Photo: Drying laundry

i had a genuine freakout moment yesterday
(when i first typed "genuine" just then... i started with a 'j')
--i may be going crazy--
does that make me more of a new yorker?
or more of an artist?

....or a bigger artist-in-ny cliche?

blame it on my wild heart

marilyn liked to fly too

sweet-vacancy:  untitled by carrie lynn. on Flickr.

i got an unexpected message from someone tonight
which prompted me to send someone else a message
(but that is neither here nor there)
anyway - some people may think it was creepy
i think it was ballsy. and brave.
and i respect him for it.
and out of the whole conversation...

and i hope i'm the me that he thinks me to be

until then, i'm walking fast, talking fast, and folding my pizza

keep the change you filthy animal
xoxo. -jess

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