Monday, August 13, 2012


today i am listening to: princess chelsea - the cigarette duet

i was different then, i don't need them to be cool


all the pretty girls stare at pretty girls



i like it best when

the music happens like this:

something in his eye grabs hold of a

tambourine in


then i turn and lift a violin in someone else,

and they turn,

and this turning


it has

reached you now.

isn't that




this weekend i got to dance the night away to celebrate
the most beautiful wedding and the most beautiful bride
libby wolfe no more. we love us some mrs. moss! xo

and over the next few weeks i'll be dancing with numbers and judgement galore.
hello auditions.

watch me dance dance revolutionize my life

"a life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable,
but more useful than a life spent doing nothing" - george bernard shaw

xoxo. - jessica

Saturday, July 28, 2012


today i'm listening to (watching): kishi bash - it all began with a burst

a one-man-orchestra, a messy tie, a martini.
yum. yum. YUM.
is anything better than full-fledged
ephemeral art?
nod to the ephemerals....
oh, and no.


birds are singing loud this morning


and my heart is in london.


is there anything better than the olympics?!

and could those opening ceremonies be any more beautiful?
(shout out to the lovely, laban-ite volunteers xo)

but damn.
there goes my life for the next 17 days...
but damn.
i think i'm coming down
with a nasty case of that travel-bug again

but damn.
my trip fund
(made solely out of my tip funds)
is next to nothing....
never thought i'd be dreaming of coat check....

...speaking of travel
matt's done it again

...AND speaking of beautiful things:
An elevated discourse on the moving image,
modern art,
and performance in
5, 4, 3, 2...
look at me being all linksy today!

(whoever said less is more, clearly never had more.)

"one dreamed of becoming something, another remained awake and became"

contemporarydance:  Nederlands Dans Theatre

until then i'm dreaming of magic lollipops,
borough market, and david beckham on a speed boat.
xoxo. -jessica

Thursday, July 5, 2012


today i am listening to: tennis - marathon

marathon how long we've gone
and still not yet set a foot upon you

Lukasz Wierzbowski 01

hello gorgeous!
a few weeks ago....
with a lake, a pot, and my favorite favorites
i was encouraged to keep on keeping on.

oh blog, you're like a sexy ex-boyfriend
i just can't quit.

call it a character flaw

so cheers to miss torie reed (you should really check her out)
and a
NEW york. NEW beginning. NEW outlook.
(i'd say "NEW me" but that's cliche.
and it's not... just a better (cuter, cooler, awesomer) version)


.... allow me to... reintroduce myself....

i feel taller.



i have a new rule:
it's to say





‘it’s alive, it’s alive!’ © cardboardcities 2012 prints, iphone cases, etc available at society6

and i no longer ask permission
i'm in the market for some revenge

it's a beautiful ting, it's a beautiful ting


so until then, i can't explain it.
but i can make you feel it.
xoxo. -jessica

Thursday, January 26, 2012

hard to get

today i'm listening to: jenny and johnny - scissor runner

and this video is worth watching too. breakout - baby i'm yours.

watch the psychedelic video
and dance, baby, dance.

deliver me into
psychedelic skies

who is this girl
[her dirty toes]
she stares out the window
[at stars she can't reach]
[forgotten cigarettes]
on patios [she can't remember].
[she says she's death without the music.]

i had a long talk with a good friend last night

and i heard this joke:
why did the hipster burn his mouth on pizza?
he ate it before it was cool.

speaking of hipster....
(or not)
i have lived in NY for 3 months
and i'm just starting to get my room in order
my bed is no longer my sole piece of furniture!


i have a little, mini desk now!
in fact, i'm sitting at it as i.. blog.
and it's glorious.

my lack of windows
(which may or may not be illegal)
makes me want summer all the time in my room.
i think my room has a new sense of importance
because it's the only thing in the city i can call my own.
so i've made some little commandments of how to accomplish a great space.

1 - thou shalt keep a clean space.
there's nothing more depressing than a grey gardens grunge fest.
so.... i'll clean.

2 - thou shalt not forget the funsters of yore.
what's more summery than stocking up on more booze than i could ever think i'd need?
and i don't even really drink... i'm like a grandma,
downing cups of herbal tea lately.
but what's better than watching.taking part getting absolutely toasted off copious amounts of hooch with your friends?! so, thou shalt always be prepared.

how fun is this bottle o'booze?

3 - thou shalt not be afraid of color.
thou shalt not be overly formal, because if thou art, thou will be sad. thou shalt embrace a mix of fancy with frisky.

4 - thou shalt not commit murder.
...mmmunless though art murdering for a thrift accessory i absolutely need. in this case of emergency, thou shalt feel free to use whatever means necessary to obtain that special something
[cause honey, i'm on a budget.]

5 - thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house.
because mine will be better...

mostly i think i'm going to paint the walls
and change the angle of my desk every few weeks.
who are we kidding here....

oh how this whole world
can shine so bright
if we let it.

don't play hard to get.
be hard to get.

if most of us
are ashamed of shabby clothes
and shoddy furniture,
let us be more ashamed of
shabby ideas and shoddy philosophies...
it would be a sad situation
if the wrapper
were better than the meat
wrapped inside it.

wanna feel fabulous?
check these out:

christian dior paper dolls. oh my.

i'm going to cut along the dotted line
and dive into some dior myself.
until then,
i hope you'll remind yourself
of how fantastic you are.
(i think you forget every now and again)

i'd rather teach one bird
how to sing than teach a thousand
stars how not to dance
-ee cummings

xoxo. -jess

Saturday, January 21, 2012

today i'm listening to: battles - ice cream

that video makes me want to GET INTO TROUBLE

SPIN said, "this video is more
sexually suggestive
than any movie starring a woman whose name ends in 'i'."
i second that. and it's awesomeness
and like a [dance] nerd - i like what's happening at 1:36 [a lot...]

howdy, hellions.

unnaturalmagic:  That moment when you realise.. by .bella. on Flickr.

men always want
to be a woman's first love.
that is their clumsy vanity.
women have a more subtle instinct
about these things.
what [women] like
is to be a man's last romance.
-oscar wild

love is friendship on fire.

i'll admit i'm happy with today's
real snow action outside my window

joyeusesfetes:  (by Dan Anderson.)

i'll also admit that i'm itching for sunshine already
i want that
warm breeze blowing in my face

this breeze would work too.

feshfesh:  (via Digital | Mary Katrantzou S/S 2012 Look Book | Pattern People | Surface Design   Inspiration)

strength for the journey.

strength for the journey.

strength for the journey.

limmynem:  ~via  Nick Karn

by the way ...BREAKING NEWS...
i found the best website ever
it locates the nearest
girl scout cookie sale to you! ---so delicious


can someone teach me
how to do this or what?

duh, girl.

bye ya'll i'm off to swallow the world
in a single gulp.

i only went out for a walk,
and finally concluded
to stay out till sundown
for going out, i fount, was really going in
--john muir 1913

xoxo. - jessica